Sunday, July 18, 2010

July 18th: I'm baaaaaaaack!!

I greatly appreciate your patience. Did you wonder if I had fallen off the face of the earth? Our internet is out at home and things have been crazy since the boys left. I am frantically trying to finish re-doing the kitchen and living room before they get back. It is going well.

I have missed blogging so much. I know it sounds weird, but it is like I know people are reading it, so it is so much more than just journaling. I have missed the accountability to writing as well.

I started running again on Monday. It was really hot. But, it wasn't as bad as I thought it might be. I almost ran the entire loop the first day. So, it was good to know that I was able to jump right back in. If I run first thing in the morning, it isn't so bad or as humid and it does make it bearable. I even purchased a running pendant for myself. Because you know, I am a runner.

I have also started working out. That I really enjoy alot. It's not like I was laying around while I was at the fireworks stand, but it is nice to do something for myself that I enjoy. I hope that Joe will work out with me when he returns.

I have decided that my main priorities are running, working out and blogging, even if my internet is out. I will just go to the library and post.

I have so much to tell about the Forgiveness Project. So much has happened. I am trying to organize the posts so that it all makes sense - if that is even possible. I will begin tomorrow bringing it up to speed.

Glad to be back!!!

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