Thursday, August 19, 2010

Figuring it all out.

I am so sorry I have been missing in action. I would like to say I have been so busy that I haven't had time to write. The real truth is that I have been in the worst of moods and had absolutely nothing positive to say. So, I went with the old adage "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all".

I have run and it has been nice since the weather has been cooler and less humid. I have worked 3 days this week at preschool, which I have to say, always helps my mood. I have also worked out.

I went back a couple of days to read what I had written previously. I now feel even worse that I have been feeling bad since I had written that I was going to be thankful. HA! That hasn't gone well. Neither has treating my body as God's temple. Wow, I'm doing really well.

Why is it that when I decide to make conscious decisions to act in a way that is more glorifying to God that immediately things start to happen that make me forget what I promised to do. AND I felt so bummed I had a hard time moving through life.

I was also so mad at my boys I couldn't hardly stand it. The only thing about my life that has been real this last week has been the worship on Saturday and Sunday. Luckily, no matter how bad I feel, I can always worship when I'm at church.

I am going to forgive myself for not being thankful and for not treating my body well and for beating myself up for feeling bummed. I have had the worse dreams where people and things are chasing me. I don't think it is a coincidence that I decided to make some powerful changes in my life and I got bummed, can't sleep, and have bad dreams where people are chasing me. Hmmmmmmm. I've got to figure out how to have a better combat strategy because I think this might be war.....

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