Friday, May 28, 2010

Day Eleven: WOW!!

This was the best running day so far. I have been running/walking and working on making the walking sections smaller and smaller. Today, I almost connected all of the running. I was really proud of myself and except for being so hot, it wasn't that bad. When I feel like I don't want to do it anymore, I just tell myself "so what - keep running". So far, so good.

The Forgiveness Project is rolling right along. I am finding I am having to remind myself I am forgiving people less and less and the Voice is almost non-existent. I am still having some trouble forgiving myself but I knew this wouldn't be easy. Now, when I start to think mean things about myself, I say "Today, I am going to forgive myself" and when I think "I don't want to", I reply " I don't care if you don't want to, you're going to."

I've got a new mantra for when I care about what people think of me - it won't surprise some of you - "Bite Me!!". Today when I was running, I was thinking about all the things I've done in my life. I have played the piano at Carnegie Hall, spent 10 years in the Marine Corps, almost died having a baby, loved and been loved. What do I care about what other people think of my life???? I have friends I have kept for more than 20 years and I make new friends daily. I love my husband and son and enjoy the life God has given me. I wear cowboy boots all the time and now I am running - so there!?!?!?!

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