Saturday, May 22, 2010

Day Four and Five: Oooops

I was out late on Friday and did not post the blog. I walked on Friday with my husband Joe. It was nice to spend time with him. I think the decision to run 3 days and walk the alternate days was a good one until I am able to run more. No point in pushing it and injuring myself. I have also decided to completely rest on Sunday.

Today, I ran the same route as on Thursday. Once again, I felt really strong and it was even warmer today than it had been on Thursday. I was able to run further in each stretch. It really felt good. It has been a long time since I have actually run/walked this many days in a row.

The Forgiveness Project has gotten tougher. I have to make an effort to put aside the pain and just forgive. I can't think about what has happened or painstakingly go over every detail of the offenses, I have to just decide to forgive. This isn't going to be something I automatically feel. Not after so long of nursing the grudge. I have to just know that I am doing the right thing. And I have noticed a difference. I don't seem to be as aware of the Voice even just in this week. And when it starts to talk, I just say "Today, I am going to forgive" and it goes away.

Forgiving is not easy. I think it might be like when you get married or have a child and you choose to love them everyday - even when they make you mad or disappoint you. It's been empowering to make the decision to control my feelings.

I am also working on adding "who cares??" to the mantra. It does not matter what others think about the insignificant issues in my life. Like how fast (or slow) I run, what I decide to wear or how I fix my hair. None of these things are anyone else's business.

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