Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Day Two: Oh my goodness...

I sometimes live in a conspiracy world. If that were today, the conspiracy would be headed by my body. When I started walking, I felt great. My legs were strong and I was thinking I could do this all day. Then, when I was halfway out, my body decided to start complaining. LOUDLY!!! Things started hurting that I'm not sure I even knew existed. I was seriously wondering who came up with this idea. And then I remember it was me.

And then there is the forgiving. Once again the first thing I thought when I woke up was "Today, I am going to forgive ________". I am still working on the same people as yesterday. I figure I should see how that goes before I add anyone to the list. I still have thoughts that go back to deserving the forgiveness, but I try to remember that I don't deserve to be forgiven either. So this isn't about deserving anything. It's about choosing to live a different life. One that is more Christ-like than before.

i think the combination of running and forgiving could be really good for my blood pressure. Let's hope so, this running and forgiving is so hard, I keep rewarding myself with Andy's and that can't be good....

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