Monday, May 17, 2010

It's Here!!!

Well, the procrastination has to end. I committed to the project by purchasing running shoes. AND, I bought the ugly ones so I wouldn't be tempted to just wear them because they looked good with jeans!

Tomorrow starts the running and the forgiving. The Forgiveness Project started because of a lesson in our small group from church. I had an epiphany!! I hadn't wanted to admit that my refusal to forgive was causing me more pain than those I was refusing to forgive. I had gotten stuck on whether they deserved forgiveness. Really, it wasn't about that at all. The old cliche about not forgiving is like taking poison and expecting the other person to die is true. I have been hanging onto pain and hurt and resentment for all this time and the only one it was hurting was me. I don't think it will be easy, but I am going to do my best to make forgiveness part of my character.

I decided to start running again because like forgiveness, it is not easy. AND I don't really like it. But, it is good for my physical health and my mental health and it is also a lesson in perseverance. As most of you know, I was a Marine for 10 years. That too, was a lesson in perseverance, however, it changed my life and made me a better person. So, every step I take will move me closer on the journey to who I am supposed to be.

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