Monday, June 21, 2010

Day 35: When in doubt - BUNT!!

I ran this morning for the first time in almost a week. It felt pretty good. I had to walk some, but I ran way more than I thought I would after being sick for a week. Then, I went and lifted weights. That felt great. I forgot how much I enjoy doing it.

Yesterday's sermon was incredible. It was video cast from a church in NC. The VERY young pastor spoke about God's unstoppable power. It was the "Bunt" story that impacted me the most. He talked about his dad coaching his Little League team. They couldn't do much, but his dad taught them how to bunt. Bunting seems so insignificant. When I think about the impact I would LIKE to have in God's world, I always think about "hitting it out of the park". I think that the only way to make an impact is to make a HUGE one.

I had been thinking for some time though, about what if all God wanted was for me to just be ME. What if that's all there is? What if everyday, I tried to be the very best "me" I could be, and that was what He wanted. It doesn't feel like it would be enough or even much.

I like to think that it is the big stuff that makes the most difference. And I didn't think that forgiveness was that big of a deal. I kept telling myself it was between me and those I chose not to forgive. It couldn't possibly make THAT big of a difference in God's kingdom if I did or didn't forgive. But I was wrong. I truly had no idea the huge difference forgiving would have on my life. It has changed how I view myself and others.

I had viewed forgiving as the bunt. What you do when all else fails. But, what if it is a planned strategy to making my life better and changing the impact I have on the world around me? What if it is a path to a better me that is more useful to God?

I have also viewed being the best me as the bunt. It seems so insignificant and arbitrary. No one reports on the news about the guy who bunts, just the Pujoles of the world. But, what if the bunt wins the game?

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