Thursday, June 10, 2010

Day Twenty-four:

I realized several things during my run this morning: morning is better than evening, 3 days in a row is harder than I thought it would be and I really need to eat better. I had not really put any thought into how and what I was eating. I was just eating without giving any real thought to how it would affect my body.

A long time ago, in the Marine Corps, I was a body builder. Everything I ate, did and thought was centered on me. But, I did learn how to treat my body as a machine - it would perform better if I fed it better. I also ran triathlons. Not that I was perfect. I would sometimes eat a bag of M&M's for lunch. But I did try to make sure I gave myself what it would take to train at my optimum.

I have not been doing this recently. Every morning, i have a protein drink for breakfast and then often a McDonald's Frappe. No lunch, some nuts here or there and then try to run. Sometimes, dinner is Andy's. That's like putting gas in the car and wondering why it's not running well. So, in addition to changing some other things, I am also going to start eating better.

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