Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Days Twenty-two and twenty-three: Oops, again

I'm not sure exactly what happened last night, but I completely forgot to write the blog. I have been substituting alot and it has thrown off my schedule. Work definitely gets in the way of my life. I had to run when I got off work about 5:00 and then I had band practice at church. I can't believe I just forgot. I look forward to writing it everyday just like talking to a friend.

Yesterday's run was good and I almost completed the entire run without walking. I was very proud.

Today's run was incredible. Not fast, not cool, but I ran the entire 1.5 miles. This is the first time. I can't believe that I have gone from not running at all to running the whole distance. I haven't been this proud since boot camp. I also have run two days in a row and I will run tomorrow as well. I feel that I am making good progress. I have made every attempt to not time myself or weigh myself. I don't want anything to get in the way of why I am really doing this - changing me on the inside.

I caught Oprah late last night and the children of the woman who was married to the guy who took Elizabeth Smart was on talking about their mother. I had seen it before but I had not noticed something. There were four children - 3 sisters and a brother. They talked about the abuse they had suffered at the hands of their mother, father and stepfather. One of the sisters had forgiven her mother and the other two had not. There was a noticeable difference in the physical countenance between the sister who had forgiven and the sisters who had not. There was a look of bitterness and rage on the faces of the other two sisters.

It was clear as I was watching this that the old adage was true - not forgiving REALLY is like drinking poison and hoping the offender will die. It was obvious on their faces and body language. And it was also strange that even as the sisters explained why they had so many reasons not to forgive, it clearly was not helping them feel any better.

By seeing this in such a prolific way, I hope that it can be a reminder to me that forgiveness is evident inside and out and refusal to forgive shows like a smile or frown.

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